Friday 5 October 2012

Happy C’lumbus Day weekend and/or Canadian Thanksgiving and/or whatever th’ heck it is they sellabrate wherever th’ heck it is they sellabrate it:

Well, things has started ta heat up in th’ Americkun prezidentshul race, er at least not cool down as fast as it look’t as if they wuz gonna recently. One thing th’ punditzes an’ p’ltickull pollsters an’ other assorted whatchamacallits has bin talkin’ ‘bout, tho’, is how, with ruffly a month ta go b’fore th’ all ballots gits offishully spoilt, a lotta people has already made their minds up, with no backsies. Now, I’m not always among th’ 73% who find joornullists average er worse in terms’a trustworthiness, but I can’t help but think that this mind-makin’-uppedness gits a bit of a nudge frum th’ meediya sometimes:

You’ll notice I’ve left th’ names out so those’a you who havvunt made yer minds up kin start with a fresh slate. Here’s another one fer ya ta chew on:

Ya see, whut someone sez otta be at least as important as who sez it. (Th’ one exsepshun I’ll make to it is that when a cop sez “come here”, I take that as my cue ta run.) Both’a these gomers iz chronick sufferers frum foot-in-mouth dizeez, but only one’a them’s gettin' diagnosed as such by Dr. Genurall Publick. An’, speekin’ a doobeeyus utterunces, th’ Prezdunt himself is on reckord as sayin’ that this eleckshun is th’ clearest choice in hist’ry, so let’s examine that one, too. Takin' away names, faces, an' other sooperfishyallatees, here’s th’ choices that're acktuwally availabull ta th’ voter:

Yeah, that’s sure a choice-an’-a-half alright. Sints there ain’t no tellin’ th’ players without a scorecard nohow, th’ best thing’d be ta reshuffle th’ deck, an’ create two new tickets:

Now THAT’S a clear choice. Fer those of ya who don’t wanna think about politicks no longer, ya kin click here an’ lissen ta sumpin’ that wuzzent meant ta make any sense, but makes at least half as much as any’a these guys.

Th’ rest’a you massakists out there kin start thinkin’ up write-in candidates. I’ll start ya off with a good one whose name got menshuned in Wens’dy’s d’bate. If runnin' fer prezdunt don't come down ta anythin' other'n how likable ya are, this guy's a shoo-in: 
As fer me, I’m votin’ th’ straight Ernie & Bert ticket.

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