Saturday 27 October 2012

Happy John Cleese’s Birthday to our readers in East Funsville (the observance has yet to spread to the rest of Fun County, due to a persistent and unresolved debate over which Silly Walk should be the official one for the parade):
     Today’s posting features a guest commentator—Francesco Aligadro, a.k.a. Frank the Alligator, the weekday bartender and weekend bookmaker at my emporium of joie de vivre and eau de vie, the Ashcan Club. In his dual function as dispenser of libations and collector of lost wagers, Frank gets a chance to hear people pour out their hearts and souls…and occasionally even their minds, so he says. Don’t misconstrue me—it’s not that he’s a misanthrope. He just doesn’t like anyone or anything, that’s all.
Uncle Fun
Thanks for the ringing endorsement, Unc. Remind me to leave the cap off your San Pellegrino ‘til it goes flat to get back at you. First, I have something to say to all the fine folks out there…
Hey there, cretins. Since this is the anniversary of the publication of the first of the Federalist Papers, I thought I’d lead off by reminding you that there was a time when people who had something better than butterscotch pudding for brains got their ideas about politics published. So far this election, every time someone opens their mouth, it makes me use a word that just got Ann Coulter in trouble with the Special Olympics. Ordinarily, I don’t mind the drastic stupidity of the cheerfully misinformed, but the only visible trend in the campaign so far has been a steady stream of smartass remarks from know-nothing numbskulls in the peanut gallery.  
 I’ll grant you, this isn’t helped by both of the chuckleheaded presidential candidates saying things that wouldn’t pass the idiot test in a room full of idiots so idiotic they invested with Bernie Madoff, but that’s beside the point. (Seriously, though, Prez—could you poke a hole in your busy schedule of lipping off about who said what about whom on American Idol and try to show an interest in whether Syria is going to turn into the Bosnia of the 21st Century?)
That still doesn’t excuse the feeble attempts at humour that are trampling all the funny material that the politicians are giving us for free. All of a sudden, it’s Open Mike Night at the Improv for every halfwitted heckler who can’t let idiocy speak for itself. Here’s one of the worst offenders—some internet troll with a Facebook account who styles himself, or herself, (for the sake of the future of the human race, I hope it’s “itself”) “God”. Check out the profile picture on this peabrain’s page. Nothing says “prepare to be dazzled by satirical brilliance” like a tenth-rate vector drawing.
(In case you’re wondering, I don’t have a Facebook account. I just like to look over other people’s shoulders when they look at theirs. Whenever I think that my own life is full of repetitive nonsense that isn’t worth mentioning to anyone, I have Facebook to remind me of all the lamos I can’t hold a candle to on that score.)
But let’s get back to “God”. In his infinite wisdom, this Second Coming of Mort Sahl has leapt upon something that trickled out of Hymie the Robot's Mitt Romney’s mouth (sorry—I get those two confused) during the last debate. Here it is, with the oh-so-clever caption our comedy deity hath affixed to it:
Be still, and know that I am Not Funny. (No, seriously—excuse me while I get the surgical tape. I think I broke a rib laughing. I don’t want “God” to pluck it out and make a lamentably unfunny woman out of it. One Tina Fey is enough...and if it isn't, one Lena Dunham certainly is.)
Okay, now here comes the portion of this bottom-of-the-bill vaudeville act where someone who didn’t spend his schooldays drinking mucilage straight from the bottle gets to interrupt the laff riot with some cold, hard, comedy–killing facts.
FACT: There’s this thing separating the Persian Gulf from the Arabian Sea (those two things labelled “Sea” on the map wrought by “God”). It’s called the Strait of Hormuz. It’s so narrow that ships going through it need the maritime equivalent of a traffic light to keep from ramming into one another.
FACT: 20 percent of the world’s oil supply is shipped through there.
FACT: Of the countries on the Persian Gulf, all but one enjoy favourable relations with the United States.
FACT: That one country is (sing along when you know it…) IRAN, which periodically threatens to blockade the Strait of Hormuz.
FACT: Because of that last fact, the waters near the Strait of Hormuz are teeming with vessels belonging to the United States and its NATO buddies Great Britain and France, effectively cutting off Iran’s access to the Arabian Sea.
(Just in case you think I actually care about any of this, all those facts are the result of exhaustive web-based research that I got someone else to do because I can’t be bothered. It took a grand total of 11 seconds. “God” works in mysterious ways that don’t involve Google or Wikipedia, apparently.)  
So, let’s revise that picture juuuuuuust a little, shall we?

Looks like Mittens didn’t quite blow it as bad as you all thought, now did he? What he didn’t do was make the message clear, which, if you’re running for the Single Most Responsible Executive Position in your country, still adds up to a great big tub of dumbass. By the way, so does saying that navies are as obsolete as horses and bayonets, when your navy is the only thing keeping a lid on a situation like this.
So, time to review, class:
-If you can’t put across a point that can be confirmed by a Google search, you are a DUMBASS.
-If you don’t know how important ships are for a) transporting oil and b) making sure that ships full of oil actually get to you without being hijacked, you are a DUMBASS.
Here’s a visual aid for all the slow learners:
Everybody clear? Am I going slowly enough for you? Okay…
-If you try to be a smartass and all you succeed in proving is that you know less than a dumbass, that makes you a…
That, my friends (and you aren’t my friends, believe me), is an insult to all the dumbasses out there, who’ve worked their dumb asses off to become the dumbasses they are today.
And if that word offends any of you, you can all blow it out your dumb you-know-whats. Unless there’s some form of athletic competition for dumbasses, I won’t have to worry about an open letter from any real dumbasses anytime soon…at least until the National Hockey League gets back to playing, if it ever does.

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