Friday 6 April 2012

…and he says, “can you put me up for the night?”

   This is the Commissioner of the Universe. You may have heard my voice if you’ve clicked on recent links to the audio postings in this blog. I hope I’m not bothering you, but, well, technically, it is my universe, and I suppose I can pretty much bother whomever I like…uh, within reason, I suppose.
   Um…yes, well…the title of this posting’s from a joke that Rob Justice told me recently, when he was in my office, begging off his latest mission. Apparently it’s either highly appropriate or highly inappropriate for today…the joke, that is--not begging off missions, which Rob Justice is allowed to do--it's somewhere in the fine print of his contract…which I had to take his word for, since he didn’t actually have his contract on him, but, as I said, I’ll take his word for it, since he’s generally pretty knowledgeable about these things.
   But, anyway--about the joke--I’m pretty sure he told me whether it was or wasn’t appropriate, and why, but the reason escapes me…as does the rest of the joke, so if any of you who think you can remember what it is would use the comment section below this posting to write in with your best guess, I’d really appreciate it. Oh--I’m pretty sure that bit I gave you was the punch line, if that helps any.
P.S. (This is really just an exercise to see if anybody’s actually reading this thing…I mean, I don’t so much want to know who’s reading as what the rest of that joke is, but they figured my title would swing a bit of weight, so they kind of put me up to it…at least, I’m pretty sure that’s what they did…I find it hard to keep track of details like that these days…)
(signed) The Commissioner of the Universe
P.S. I suppose I should have put the first ‘P.S.’ after my signature, where it’s supposed to go, but I couldn’t remember whether I signed this thing or not.
P.S. to previous P.S. Now I’ve signed it, so this ‘P.S.’ as well as the one before it are both okay.

1 comment:

  1. so a strange quark bumps into a top quark. top quark says "you gonna do some decaying?" and the strange quark says, "yeah, can you put me up for the night?"
